Saturday, May 16, 2015

Gymnastics, Soccer, and Festivals

Maya had an end of the year performance at The Little Gym. Maybe not a future gymnast but she sure loves it there.

Maya loves the little gym and her end of the year show was great. Don't know if I have a little gymnast in my future but she is adorable and loves it there.

Hanging out with Claire at Dano's Pizza at Delaney's end of the year soccer party.

Delaney's sweet note to one of her soccer coaches.

Maya's last match. Thank goodness. We love the team and she loves the snacks and the tunnel but this child wasn't meant for soccer. Second and final season. But she sure looks cute playing.

Playing with shadows is obviously more fun than playing soccer.

Sally, AG, and Delaney

Little fuzzy but Libbie makes me laugh.

This is why Maya likes soccer.

And I guess this. Playing in the dirt.

Delaney at her last soccer game of the season.

Clifford at the Forest Acres Festival

Delaney doing some knock kids off an inflatable toy with a big ball. Yeah. Aggressive bouncy castle things are scary.

Sno cones with a lion.

Delaney and Randy with Maya on lap going down big slide.

Delaney got a butterfly garden for her birthday and the live caterpillars arrived today. They are already busy building their cuccoons in the cup. Fascinating.

Maya rehearsing for the big recital.

Delaney has her own version of dancing to this song. Love it.

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