Sunday, July 25, 2010

Watering, Balloons, and Watermelons

When we get home from work/daycare--Delaney and I go outside to play a little and water the flowers. Delaney is such a big helper. It made me laugh when I picked her up today because her hair was up in a bun like I have done it for years. It was like a little mini-me.

Delaney tries very very hard to pop a balloon. Her lack of coordination is hysterical.

31 weeks---Did I swallow a watermelon or is that a baby in there? Good god. Tinkerbell be stretched wayyyy out.

** I must say---I went to OB appointment yesterday (8/4/10) and I had LOST a pound. Soooo---for those of you whose jaws drop looking at my belly---it's not so bad.

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