Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July 2011

We had lots of people over to the house for the 4th of July. My mom and Debbie provided the food (thank you both!!!) and there was lots of swimming and relaxing. It was a great day spent with great people.

We started the day with a musical number presented by Delaney and Morgan. Both wearing bathing suits and aprons.

After some pool time it was bubble time on the bench. The two girls are inseparable and basically just like twins. Even though they are a year apart they are best friends and could play together for hours. I absolutely love it.

Look how Delaney is holding the bubbles for Morgan. There really are a select few that she will share with so nicely.

Kathleen and Chris came with their two girls Addy and Emmi. Kathleen and the Statue of Liberty (a.k.a. my mom) entertained the young ones at the shallow end.

The Statue of Liberty looks rather bored don't you think?

Randy helping Addy with her dive.

Statue and Statuette

Larry and Debbie get their chat on.

Men in the shade.

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