Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy 5th Anniversary my love

July 8 was me and Randy's 5th anniversary. We have no pics from the celebration but we had a nice dinner out at Tsunami full of sushi, wine, and saki. I used the word "FIVE" for Randy's present. F = fun---Wii game. I = I-Tunes gift card. V = Video (Goodfellas). E = Engraved. I researched and found out the traditional 5th anniversary present is "wood" so I went on Etsy and had a man design a wooden sign engraved with our names and says Est. July 2006. Because it was our 5th anniversary I wanted to do 5 presents and for the fifth I got him something he needed---a new wallet. He was so happy with everything!!! He got me something I have wanted which is the entire Beatles collection on I-Tunes. Yay!!! I now have every Beatles album I am so happy.
A little play time with Elmo.
Look at that face.

Maya LOVES to be upside down. If you are not watching her she will throw herself backwards at any time so she can be upside down.

For some reason, Delaney spent most of the day naked. Not really sure why. We had gone to my friend Kathie's son Bert's birthday party earlier that day and it had been really really hot so maybe that's what started it but basically the rest of the day was spent naked. We had a contractor at the house doing some work and we just had to warn him. It was quite amusing actually.
We joined the fam at Little Pig's barbecue for dinner. That place is ridiculously awesome with barbecue, chicken, all kinds of vegetables, fried okra, etc....
Little pissy face had too big of a day and was a little cranky at the restaurant and basically had enough by the time we were done. Grammy and Nana got a kick out of putting her in the car and listening to her nonsense. I find it irritating---they find it amusing.

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