Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ballet and SKI TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!

Corn dog night is a big thrill in our house.

"I'm a walrus!"---This is usually a line said by Maya when she is eating spaghetti but it was used by Randy tonight with some corn dog sticks.

This gorgeous coat came from my friend Jean who rationalizes spending gobs of money on her granddaughter's clothes because they will then go to my girls. :) Thank you Jean!

Gorgeous coat with banana eating D. I told Delaney she was going to the ballet today with Grammy and Nana and she would be wearing this coat. She didn't want to take it off!!!

Delaney and her Grammy before going to see Snow White the ballet!

Look at this face. I was taking some pics from the back seat because the girls and I had the backseat of Randy's car together on our 4 hour trip to the mountains to go skiing. Grammy was in the front so I squished in between the car seats for our trip. It really wasn't too bad---got some good snuggle time with the girls. But one little issue---the Doodles got car sick in the mountains about an hour from Beech Mountain. She was extremely cranky and whiny and I was not sure where it was coming from until the vomiting started. Me, doing my motherly instinct thing, caught a bunch in my hands (I know...too much info) because I didn't want poor Delaney getting more on her. She handled it quite well and just kept saying, "Lots of stuff came out of my mouth! I threwed up!!". She was quite happy and chipper afterwards when we stopped by the side of the road and attempted to clean up as best as we could. It was a moment for sure.

I had to ride in the backseat with both girls on our 4 hour road trip to the mountains so Maya and I had a lot of time to talk and sing.

It was too cold to go skiing when we got there but we all donned our snow attire to head out in the snow for a bit.

Randy and I took a little escape to a bar that was recommended called Jackalopes with a great view of the mountains.

Playing in our little condo for a bit.

Not sure where Delaney is getting these dance moves. Perhaps she is watching MTV after we go to bed?
They had a heated pool at our condo so of course we took advantage of it. We just had to get some shots of Maya's little belly.

Because we had to get to and from the pool in the snow, and the 15 degrees, we had to don snow attire to return to our condo. Delaney was a little tired and cold at this point.

Heading out to go skiing! It was FREEZING when we arrived Friday but just gorgeous on Saturday for ski day thank goodness.

Renting our skis and boots. Randy wanted Delaney to snow board for the first time and I wanted her to ski. We asked for a recommendation on first time four year olds and they said definitely skis. Yay!!!!

A little frustration from the Doodle Bug when first trying caused her to have a mini meltdown in the snow.

This is Delaney's first experience on little ski lift up bunny slope. She wanted me to go with her on her first try. She loved it and wasn't scared a bit!
A little help from mommy and she was back on her feet/skis.

Heading up the bunny slope ski lift for the first time by herself!!!

Maya getting some snowboard fun.

Maya riding on her daddy's snowboard on the bunny slope.

Maya trying out Delaney's skis for a minute.

The snowboarding man himself!

Delaney does the ski lift and bunny slope by herself!

Maya trying on mommy's goggles.

Eating our barely edible lunch at the ski lodge. We were starving so would have eaten anything at this point.

Didn't take camera out to dinner but we had a really fun dinner down in Banner Elk. Strange place but good food and we could be really loud which was a plus. Funny moment with Maya when about 30 minutes into dinner she pulled a big wad of napkins out of her lap onto the table. No idea where she ganked those from and when she got them but it was hilarious. Probably a location situation but wanted to remember the moment.

Just Delaney skied on Sunday because we wanted her to get some more time in. It was cold again that day so she wasn't happy to begin with and then quickly got happy after realizing she was having fun again.

This was on Sunday when it was REALLY cold and windy so that is all the noise. We just let Delaney ski on Sunday so she could get some more skiing in. She picked up the speed on Sunday, zooming down the little hill towards Randy. This is how Delaney got back up the bunny slope. Quicker and more fun than the ski lift.

We went to a sledding hill before we hit the road again to head back home. Grammy and I were a no-go for sledding because we were FREEZING but Randy and the girls had fun.

Um...could have killed Randy for this one. He sends Delaney down the hill by herself for first time sledding and she FLIES down the hill. Little brave girl though held on the whole time. She cried after she was done though when she realized she wasn't going to die. Randy takes Maya sledding down the hill and goes a little off course. Randy and Maya continue on their wacky sled course down the hill. Love Maya's little face just grinning from ear to ear---of course with her paci. Thank goodness Randy took Delaney on his lap this go round. I don't think either Delaney or I was going to let her go by herself again. Randy and Maya sled on a little straighter path this time.

We had such a great time on our mountains skiing trip in Boone at Beech Mountain and definitely want to go again. Randy and I might take Delaney for a day trip if we can find the time before the season ends. She really did great!

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