Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tennis, Theater, and GABBA!!!!!!

Here is Delaney on her third tennis lesson with her instructor Miss Amy. No---they did not plan to dress alike. Delaney is doing AWESOME in tennis and Amy is really impressed about her eye-hand coordination at such a young age.

Delaney at her third tennis lesson.
Grammy took me and the girls to see Frog and Toad All Year at the Columbia Children's Theatre. This was Maya's first theatrical performance and she absolutely loved it. She sat the whole time. The children's theatre is fabulous and allows all of the kids to sit on the floor during the show.

Later on in the day a small injury was had by Maya and she sat on the counter to receive her band-aid. I just had to capture that little munchkin with her headband even in a time of distress.

Yo Gabba Gabba Live day!!!! My friend Cathy made the girls personalized Gabba outfits and they were absolutely adorable!!

Delaney tends to do this face quite often towards Maya.


Grammy went with us to the show in North Charleston and we made a side trip before the show to her friend Jan and Mo's incredible house downtown. The girls immediately bonded with their kitty.

And bonded with their enormous doggie.

Delaney was very cute cuddling up with Mo.

At the show they had all these stations where you could get into the different Gabba worlds. Here is Muno's mountain world.

In Foofa's flower world you could do a bean bag toss.

Brobee's world involved drumming on various instruments.

Check out that kid's Foofa costume!!!

Loving on Brobee before the show.

Maya is already dancing before the Gabba Live show even begins. We all had a long day already so Delaney was a little cranky as you can tell from the background.
Grammy bought the girls little necklace lights before the show and Maya was quite fascinated with hers.

It's starting!!!!

The girls were super excited at the beginning of the Yo Gabba Gabba Live show. Delaney was dancing her little heart out with the new light that her Grammy bought. This was the most excitment I have seen out of Delaney yet at a Gabba show. It was awesome!!!! Delaney and Maya seriously jammin' out at Gabba Live.
Maya enjoyed her light as a chew-toy.

Darn camera on this one but wanted to capture the green beans in my tummy as they headed down the aisle. Check out Grammy reaching out for those beans!!

...and the tummy cheese....

Maya, tired after a long day of traveling to show, eating and playing with animals, and dancing, succumbs to her paci and tiredly waves bye-bye to her Gabba friends.

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