Sunday, October 26, 2008

Slip Slidin' Away

Davis had his sixth birthday party this weekend and Dave and Mandi rented him one of those big inflatable jumpy/slide things. Davis had a blast and kept doing the slide over and over again. Here he is doing one of his stunts---going backwards and on top of his head.

Sorry about the fuzzy picture--but I just had to capture Delaney and her Daddy on the slide. Delaney was very calm during her 2 trips down. She is quite the daredevil.

Delaney loves her Unka Dave. She is quite fond of his goatee and grabs at it and laughs. I personally think Delaney thinks Dave is some kind of a big animal because she is fascinated by him. She loves his whiskery kisses that just make her squeal and squeak.

When I was little I had these 2 cats, Romeo and Sylvester, that I loved to play dress up with. Romeo was very tolerant of being put in dresses and costumes. I am so glad my daughter is tolerant of this type of fun too. She LOVED the lion hat that I put on her and kept it on for about an hour while she played.


No,'s not real. Delaney shows off her hard core side with an "I LOVE MOM" bicep tat.

On Saturday night, Delaney was being really snuggly and silly and as I was holding her, she decided to eat my face. Randy and I were dying laughing.

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