Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fun Parties, Family Time, and Fat Bellies

On Saturday night Randy and I went to a stock the bar shower for our friends Aaron and Audrea. It was a great party at an amazing house. Here are Audrea and Kem looking gourgeous.

Me, Kem, Audrea, and Suzanne

On Sunday, my good friend Kel-Z was in town with her sister Gin and her daughter and her stepdaughter Kaitlyn. Kel-Z was bringing her son Jackson to EdVenture for the day and Delaney and I were unable to join them but I ran out briefly to see them at a restaurant. Check out Jackson!!! He is so cute!!!!

On Sunday we had Big Dave and Tinker and Dave and Mandi and the kids over for swimming and grilling. It was a little overcast so not too much swimming was done but there was playing had by all! Delaney cheeses it up for the camera.

The three cousins (Davis, Morgan, and Delaney) ham it up for the camera.

Okay---I warned you it was coming. When I was pregnant with Delaney, Randy and I started doing belly pictures of me at Week 30. Well--here I am at Week 30. I have to say I compared this pregnancy with my "D" pregnancy and I look here like I did at 35 weeks with "D". Oy.

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