Saturday, April 13, 2013

Disney on Ice and Touch a Truck

The girls were so excited about their big night at Disney on Ice. Maya (a.k.a. Rapunzel) and Delaney (a.k.a. Tiana) of course had to wear their princess dresses.

It was a big girls night out at the show with my friend Cathy and her two adorable little ones Lillian and Trinity.

This weekend was the annual Touch a Truck which is an awesome fundraiser the Junior League does where they have about a hundred different trucks and cars and tractors, etc....for kids to climb on.


Delaney practicing her photography skills.

Behind the wheel!

Delaney saw her friend Elly there. Elly and her parents moved onto our street this past year and the two girls are "best friends".

Oh this is trouble.....

My Gym had a kids area set up and Maya made herself right at home.

Me and the girls rode a little train around for a while.

Delaney in a big rig.

Delaney on a wee little tractor.

Getting faces painted.

Whatchu doin' to my face???

My girls will hug anything that is a large character with a costume. This right here is the Habitat for Humanity recycling can. And yes----it got huge hugs from my children.

Watch out world---the Roberts girls are in the back of a cop car.

Moving vans are fun.

This police dog is about the same size as Maya!!

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