Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Maya is officially the smilingest and happiest baby in the whole world. People are just amazed at how easy going she is and how she just loves to smile.

Maya has such good head control and is already sitting in her Bumbo chair.

Maya loves her some Uncle Dave. I think there's a little vice versa there as well.

My mom told me they were doing a driving Chanukah parade starting at Beth Shalmon temple and going ~10 miles to Assembly street downtown. There was a write-up in the paper about it, I thought it was going to be a big deal. I took the girls close by to the temple on Trenholm Rd. and we got out of the car and stood on the side of the road in the cold. Well---the "parade" consisted of ~10 cars with balloons and these menorahs on top. That was it. Well---at least my enthusiastic about everything daughter thought it was fun. She was waving at the cars, some of which were involved with the parade, some of which were not. Delaney also got real excited about any white car she saw shouting "Mommy----it's your car!!!!!". I hope she stays this enthusiatic about everything.

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