Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Princesses and Picnics

Mom, Nana, and I took Delaney to see Rumplestilskin at the Columbia Children's Theatre. It was an awesome production that was really suited for both kids and adults...thank goodness. My good friend Kim played the queen and Delaney loved getting the queen to sign her program at the end.

The two princesess bonding while watching at Grammy's.

I've got another love to dress up child.

A little freak out time before bed and lovin' on Minnie Mouse.
Just a little play time in Maya's room loving on Minnie Mouse....

...and each other.

TRUMPS has a family picnic each year during The Week of the Young Child. They couldn't do the picnic on the playground like they usually do so we all ate Chik-fil-A in the classrooms. I brought Maya down to Delaney's room and we had a chow fest there. I must say that the two small Roberts mostly ate chips and the largest female Roberts managed to eat all three helpings of nuggets. Oops!

After picking the girls up that day we had a fun trip at the park. Little Maya looks so big going down the slide in her pigtails.

Little Doodle doo on the slide.

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