Sunday, April 21, 2013

Delaney's Piano Recital

I started recording Maya singing a song and I didn't think she would go through her entire repertoire. She loves to sing. Loud. But mighty cute. :)
Delaney at her first piano recital. She played three songs, "Hanky" Doodle, Pop Goes the Weasel, and Little Bird. Now for a four year old who has only been playing since August I think she did incredible!!! She was really nervous before she started and I was scared she wouldn't perform at all! Her teacher Bobby was really good about coming to get her and making her feel comfortable. There were about 50 people there and the kids were incredible! They started with the youngest, Delaney, and the recital worked up to kids playing and singing at the same time and even kids who wrote their own music!

Delaney had her first piano recital, playing "Hanky" Doodle, Pop Goes the Weasel, and Little Bird. She had a little trouble with the duet song but trucked right on through it. I couldn't be more proud of my little four year old being so brave in front of 50 people!!!
After her wonderful performance Delaney still seemed a littler nervous....

...but the sunflower bouquet we brought her made her smile.

We left the recital a little early because the natives were getting restless and enjoyed the beautiful weather down by the river.

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