Friday, May 23, 2014

Brennen Field Day!!

Field Day at Brennen!!!! The theme was water and the kids were super excited to participate in all of the activities.

Racing to get the water to the bucket.

McRae and Delaney

The famous Mrs. Painter and Mrs. Stancill

Delaney and Dariyana

Maya liked being an onlooker for the festivities.

Limbo---water style.

I wasn't able to volunteer because I had Maya but Randy jumped at the chance to volunteer. He was placed in the gym doing little experiments with eyedroppers and water. He loved hanging out with the cute kids.

Maya did the experiment with her daddy too.

Delaney's favorite relay was racing to go sit in a chair and her teammates had to help her get a newspaper out and dress like an old man and then undress and race back. It was pretty amusing.

Cutie diva pie.
Delaney doing one of the races at field day at Brennen. Delaney showing off her best jumping at field day.
Delaney was so excited that her whole family was there for field day. Especially her little sis. Love these two sweet sisters.

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